Our company specializes in the import, retail and wholesale of LED lighting equipment in addition to the production of advertising technology. Our products are imported from Hong Kong, China, South Korea and sold in many countries throughout Europe (Austria, Romania, Germany, Belgium).
Our clients also include affiliates, interior designers and electricians, chains, banks, telecom companies and end users.
We are always up to date in order to meet the business needs of our customers. Our factory relationships, product range, brand policies and prices are tailored to the needs of the market so that we can meet premium market segments in every way.
Our products in the lighting industry stand for quality and future technology, which we maintain and develop through new factory partnerships and products. In the development phase of our products, our company has paid particular attention to the manufacture of the final finished product, from the highest quality, carefully selected electronic parts for the manufacturers. For LED light sources, only high quality Diodes / Cree, Samsung, Epistar, Bridgelux ../ are used for the products to satisfy our customers.
Address: 1101 Budapest, Korponai u. 7